Tuesday 19 January 2010


I finished editing, finished it, it has been difficult but fun at the same time.
I watched a lot of wild life documentaries to inspire my editing process, and again I watched a lot of Ingmar Bergman films to keep me going.
I'm not completely satisfied with it, there are a lot of errors:
* Aspect ratio not consistent
* sound not consistent
* color correction
* sound
But overall I think Its good, we worked hard together and I really appreciate everybody who contributed, I am very grateful for your help and support.
I will post the video as soon as I can .

Wednesday 13 January 2010

Deadline HElp!!!1

Its 2 days to handing in the project, circumstances has made editing difficult, but I managed to do my best. Because the shots wasn't following the construction of the storyboard, the editing wasn't consistent. I have tried to trim it down to 7 minutes, its about quality not quantity.
Sound again very hard, ambulances talking children in many scenes a lot of fixing to do.
Bare in mind to minimize the editing time and make it look perfect try to plan it in Pre -Production, it will benefit you in Post production.

I am contemplating if I should use color or black and white?
The color enhances the feeling of Documentary Wild life but the black and white will add the Nordic medieval feeling to it.

Deadline HElp!!!1

Monday 14 2009

Chris The Raccoon couldn't come so I had to ask my brother to cover him, I don't know if you notice the difference, but it was quite close.

All of the free runners was nice enough to do an extra day because we didn't shoot on Saturday.
It was cold hand everybody was tired, but we had to.

Artistically I realized that I cant dictate the shots and make them as cinematic as I wanted to due to the fact that we couldn't use the locations that we planned to, some of the moves that the contributors planned failed due to the weather conditions.
I watched "The Silence" yesterday and I got very inspired with the Hitchcock influence that Ingmar Bergman used in his shots.
I kind of see Stanley Kubricks "The Shining" Hotel shots are very similar to the shots in "The silence", you see the boy and the painting, and the shots when he is walking in the hallway.

Wednesday 6 January 2010


I have managed to get a hold of my friends pc to edit on, just for the moment, I will finish it before I leave Sweden. :0

Pre Production

I have forgotten to post my Pre production files, sketches and storyboards. This is

The sketches for my characters face paint and the hats that I made them.

I have chosen to call them Bradagascar animals, its hard to really make out what they are but I was aiming for a concrete jungle medieval style of a panda/bear/ monkey, lion /tiger and the Raccoon / Skunk. They have different styled to their free running.