Sunday 27 December 2009

Tuff buff puff

What can I say, my PC broke down and Premier Pro doesnt work on my pc, so I am paniced, sweating and trying to fix it. 15 is just around the corner. So Im praying and trying to sort it out. I have been watching some of Ingmar BErgmans movies over and over again. To get some more inspioration.
Oh forgot I checked the making of the Thriller, have seen it before but this time I felt more inspired.
But hopefully I will sort it out as soon as I can untill I fix it, some more
"Wild Strawberries". HihihihHope you had a nice X -mas , next year will be wicked hehehe/

Saturday 19 December 2009


Wednesday the 12 December
Courage called me in the morning we were suppose to meet at 9 in the morning to shoot with Kwame the other runner. He told me that he can’t make it., all my thoughts started to break me down slowly, will I make this, will this turn out the way I want to, or not? Ingmar Bergman always said:
“I always tell myself that this is my last film and that’s why I make it perfect.”

But then I have to face it, I’m a student with pretty good friends that participate in this to help me, I’m doing this myself with helping friends, so I can embrace another day, plan some more and do my best on Sunday.
Later during the day I was thinking of the word creative, I believe everybody can be creative in their own way I just think that the world might not be ready for my vision or your vision at the moment but everybody will have their moment, hopefully:)

"I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."
Pablo Picasso

First day of shooting Forrest

The 11 of December, our first shooting day was in the Heaton Woods, in the morning we realized that it was very cold, to keep the temperature on both the Free -runners the schedule had to be tight. Key points that I had to consider for next shooting days:
# My shots the cinematic shots that I choose in my storyboard couldn’t be executed easy because it was cold and the free runners had difficulties to stay in position, I had to change some shots in the storyboard.
# Very slippery some of the "stunts" couldn’t be done because it was too risky.
# I had very very brave and courageous Runners they tried to go all out as best as they could for the film, so I'm very happy:)

On the way back to town we did some last shots from the Cathedral, loads of people were looking and commenting on my Bradagascar animals :)
Note to myself always take extra shots, in case something goes wrong.
Some make up pictures of my concrete Urban free runner animals.

Sunday 13 December 2009

Sunday was the most effective day of all we shot the last scenes and all three Freerunners were there. Unfortunatly I needed some more shots and the day ran out it was getting dark. I found the closeups and the focus pull very hard to do on my own. But I did as best as I could.

Rehearsal Shoot

On Saturday the 5 Me COurage and Kwame two of the contributors went out to locations and tested the safety and the different styles they could try.
I will try to uppload the footage as soon as possible


Sorry Im behind on the post, after the 25 of november I made a schedule for me and the free runners for rehearsal schedules and locations and health and safety.
On Wednesday the 2 of December me Courage and Chris went out to take some photos, of locations and possible areas that were safe.

Wednesday 25 November 2009

Meeting with Contributors

Yesterday I met up with two of the contributors that would participate, we
discussed the different aspects to the concept and how it would portray the North in
the most modern way.

We also discussed the different styles and characters that they would portray, how their style would be influenced by the masks.

Locations, Chris and Courage will go out on Saturday taking pictures of certain locations that they think are the best locations for he project.

We were thinking Leeds and Bradford mainly, perhaps Huddersfield

Friday 20 November 2009


Things I need to get before shooting the contributors:

  • music
  • Atmosphere
  • masks
  • face paint
  • talk to contributors
  • locations
  • storyboards
  • sketches of masks

Free running / Parkour

Just did some research on Free running, watched a lot of Free running videos on You tube, posted some on the site, most of them are filmed
  • Far distance
  • Locations and scenery pretty, colors very bright
  • locations very New York High Buildings
  • Some of them goes more towards the game stile " Mirrors Edge" Good Game i think its in 2D
My Style would be

  • More close-ups
  • Locations has to have characteristics, can be slum or northern Scandinavian look, gothic.
  • music, sound atmosphere
  • The viewer has to feel close to the subject
  • Free runners have to have their own specific style


On Tuesday I forgot to post, I went to The Bradford Gymnastic Gym, with one of my Contributors
I filmed:

  • Free runners training
  • Interviews with certain free runners
  • The Club
  • Break dancers and Gymnasts
  • took some stills with my phone bad ones, will try to take some more with the digital camera
I talked to some of the Free runners if they were interested in participating in my project we will see they seemed happy to.

Wednesday 18 November 2009


I talked to Julian Butler a Director, Producer, Writer and Editor about my idea. I really appreciated his way of being experimental and positive about my idea, think we need a lot of people like that :) He also told me to look at this for some inspiration.
take a look at this
Prince + Jockeys


I haven't really explained my idea in proper terms I will try to do it:

Synopsis :
A short Documentary about ParKour / Freerunning in the North of UK.
The style I have chosen to project this idea is with a element of Wild life
Documentaries and inspiration from Nordic fables.
Cinematography is inspired by Ingmar Bergman.

Freerunners with a painted masks as different animals, trying to survive in the "Concrete Jungle Of The North", i.e Bradford, Leeds.
Interviewing Freerunners and how their life have changed since they started Freerunning, what
Freerunning means to them, why do they freerun in the North does the Buildings have stronger identities.

Tuesday 17 November 2009

Cryptic Winterstorms INFLUENCE

This Painting from the Scandinavian painter Hannalena Heiska collection, she is from Finland.

It influenced me in a profound way because it manages to cut through fantasy and a reality. The image projects a very strong northern mentality; it is dark, but mysterious. It also plays with the element of Romance and Gothicism

"The mask is a link to our spirit and soul, in today’s social rituals it can be perceived as role playing."

This image reminds me of the Winters when it was dark, and thick snow was covering every inch of the Swedish landscape. It was beautiful but still you were so scared.
In my project I am very keen to illustrate the Nordic landscape of UK, it has a beauty and bareness, but still a lot of authentic history and culture in the air.

Buildings, landscapes and nature has such strong character.

Wednesday 11 November 2009

Quick information

Right now I'm focusing on the research and the inspiration.
I am currently developing a more in depth and experimental style and rhetoric of cinematography.
My main inspiration is Ingmar Bergman so I will reference his work and experiment with his style in my project.
Will go more deeply into my syopsis and the characters soon.