Saturday 19 December 2009

First day of shooting Forrest

The 11 of December, our first shooting day was in the Heaton Woods, in the morning we realized that it was very cold, to keep the temperature on both the Free -runners the schedule had to be tight. Key points that I had to consider for next shooting days:
# My shots the cinematic shots that I choose in my storyboard couldn’t be executed easy because it was cold and the free runners had difficulties to stay in position, I had to change some shots in the storyboard.
# Very slippery some of the "stunts" couldn’t be done because it was too risky.
# I had very very brave and courageous Runners they tried to go all out as best as they could for the film, so I'm very happy:)

On the way back to town we did some last shots from the Cathedral, loads of people were looking and commenting on my Bradagascar animals :)
Note to myself always take extra shots, in case something goes wrong.
Some make up pictures of my concrete Urban free runner animals.

Sunday 13 December 2009

Sunday was the most effective day of all we shot the last scenes and all three Freerunners were there. Unfortunatly I needed some more shots and the day ran out it was getting dark. I found the closeups and the focus pull very hard to do on my own. But I did as best as I could.

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